15+ Great React Project Examples to Get Inspired

In this post, we will present a collection of great React projects that vary in complexity and can be used as a source of inspiration for new projects. Checking on them can also help you learn more about React.js. The list is gathering fresh examples so you can use them in 2020.

React Templates Examples

Now UI Dashboard React

Now UI Dashboard React is an admin dashboard template designed by Invision and coded by Creative Tim. It is built on top of Reactstrap, using Now UI Dashboard, and it is fully responsive. It comes with a big collection of elements that will offer you multiple possibilities to create the app that best fits your needs. It can be used to create admin panels, project management systems, web applications backend, CMS, or CRM.

NextJS Material Kit PRO

NextJS Material Kit PRO is a premium UI Kit made for NextJS, React, and Material-UI. All the Material-UI components that you need in development have been re-design with the new look, inspired by Google's Material Design. Besides the numerous basic elements, we have also created additional classes. All these items will help you take your project to the next level.

Now UI Kit PRO React

Now UI Kit PRO React is a premium Bootstrap 4 kit provided by Invision and Creative Tim. It is built over React, React Hooks, and Reactstrap using Create React App. It is a beautiful cross-platform UI kit featuring over 1000 components, 34 sections, and 11 example pages. Now UI Kit PRO React will help you create a clean and simple website that is a perfect fit for today's flat design. If you are a fan of React Bootstrap, you might want to take a look over this post on how to use Bootstrap with Reactjs.

BLK• Design System PRO React

BLK• Design System PRO React is a premium Design System for Bootstrap 4 made with React, Reactstrap, and create-react-app. It combines colors that are easy on the eye, spacious cards, beautiful typography, and graphics. BLK• Design System PRO React comes with a dark design, perfect if you want your website to be perceived as trendy.


Shards Dashboard React is a free React admin dashboard template pack featuring a modern design system and lots of custom templates and components. It is built from scratch while following modern development best practices.

Paper Kit React

Paper Kit React is a free Bootstrap 4, React, React Hooks, and Reactstrap UI Kit with pale colors, beautiful typography, and thoughtful drawings. Any elements that are vital to code a web project are already here, fully coded. All components are fully responsive and look great on every screen size. Transitions, shadows, colors, they all resemble the flow you would have using pieces of paper.

Black Dashboard React

Black Dashboard React is a beautiful Bootstrap 4 (Reactstrap) Admin Dashboard with a huge number of components built to fit together and look amazing. If you are looking for a tool to manage and visualize data about your business, this dashboard is the thing for you. Black Dashboard comes packed with all plugins that you might need inside a project and documentation on how to get started. It also comes with a dark design that gives a cool effect to your website.

React App Examples

React Slack Clone

React Slack Clone is a static, single-page web app bootstrapped with create-react-app for ease of setup, distribution, and development. It is a thin UI wrapper around the pusher-chatkit-client library to demonstrate how different features can work together to form a compelling real-time chat client with various potential product applications. The Chatkit SDK allows you to implement features you would expect from a chat client: public/private chat rooms, real-time sending and receiving of messages, rich media attachments, and many more.

Hacker News Clone

This React project is a clone of hacker news rewritten with universal JavaScript, using React and GraphQL. It is intended to be an example to help you structure your projects using production-ready technologies. It can also inspire you to try new design patterns, new libraries, or just build new things.


Dnote is an awesome open-source application built with React. It is a simple command-line notebook for programmers. It keeps you focused by providing a way of effortlessly capturing and retrieving information without leaving your terminal. It also offers a seamless multi-device sync and a web interface.


QRBTF is an open-source web application created to beautify your QR code. It features various Art QR Code Styles, parametric design, and support for SVG downloads. No Backend Required. QRBTF is an excellent project example of what you can build with React.js.

React Chessground

React Chessground is an open-source React.js wrapper of the very well-known game, Chessground.

React Components Examples

Material UI

Material UI is a React.js package-framework that implements Google's Material Design using React Components. It comes with numerous components such as Buttons, Inputs, Cards, Tables, and many more. You can find a list containing all their implemented components here. They also have a few starter templates here, and on their marketplace, you can check some of their premium products as well.

React Image Gallery

React Image Gallery is an open-source React.js component for building image galleries and carousels. It has a responsive design with mobile swipe gestures and thumbnail navigation. React Image Gallery also features tons of customization options.

React Giphy Searchbox

React Giphy Searchbox is a cool React.js component that returns Giphy's GIF or Stickers in a Masonry grid layout. Initially, the component displays trending GIFs from Giphy's feed; when the user starts typing something in the search field, it switches to searched results. When an image is selected, a GIF object is returned.

React Simple Chatbot

React Simple Chatbot is a simple but very useful chatbot component for React, designed to create conversation chats. It comes packed with examples to help you understand how your chatbot might work and has a clean, easy to use design.

React Stablelist

React Stablelist is a simple listview component for React.js that implements the concept of virtualization for efficiently rendering a huge dataset. While there are already great react components that implement virtualization techniques, it is usually challenging to maintain a variety of layouts and styles while using the libraries mentioned above. Thus, React-StableList was developed with responsive design in mind.

Final Thoughts

That's not all! We are constantly updating this list for you to analyze and use the React.js project that fits your needs. Also, if you are a React fan, you might want to take a look over this list of 8 Top React.js Free Templates that can ease your development work and save you time.