Why and How to learn ReactJS in 2020

Before starting to search for tutorials and articles about React, you need to know that you will have to learn more than just React to work with React. This is a good thing, you will see. React is a library that does one thing really well, but it’s not the answer to everything.

Any developer who is comfortable with HTML and one other programming language will be able to pick 100% of React in a very short time. A beginner programmer should be good enough to React in about a week. Then it will take some time to get used to the tools and other libraries that complete React like, for example, Redux.

WHY you should learn and use React

  1. Because of timing - Currently, React has the best momentum among all the front-end frameworks/solutions/libraries.
  2. Because of the better job market - ReactJS related skills are going to be very in-demand on the job market. Also, Angular.JS is mostly searched in countries like India and the React.JS is more popular in places creating trends as, for example, San Francisco, Sydney, or Austin (that means, it’s going to be more popular over time).
  3. Because of its simplicity over Angular and other benefits - React.JS API is short and sweet. Redux helps in building more complex apps.
  4. Because of its robust ecosystem - React has the most robust community regarding modular components that are shared online for reuse purposes.

If you are still wondering why to learn React, then you can find out in the Quora’s answers:

WHERE to learn React’s best practices?

You should watch this free React Fundamentals videos series at egghead — Course by @joemaddalone

These video series will show you what is React and how it works and that will be enough at this point to grasp ES6 React basics.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When watching this React videos series be active and commit the code so you will learn much more by doing than only passively watching. After that don’t waste time and money on other paid materials — it’s not worth it at this point. Learn from other free documents listed below.

Based on these React Fundamentals video series, make your first React App by watching this tutorial - React Tutorial (with Webpack + ES6): Build a ToDo App with Best Practices.

WHY and WHERE to learn Redux

Why use React altogether with Redux at all? Redux gives you a lot of convenience over plain React regarding storing data on the front-end. It’s like an SQL database of your client-side app (not literally, just an analogy). With Redux, you can query SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE the data in your single state tree.

Redux has advantages as follows:

  1. Redux is more comfortable to grasp than FLUX singleton approach

  2. It has strong support from the community, and the Redux’s creator (Dan Abramov) has become a part of FB’s React team

  3. Redux is powerful because it uses immutability as a default and is very helpful if you need to implement a server-side rendering (isomorphic javascript app)

WHERE to learn React + Redux best practices?

  1. Dan Abramov has prepared a series of videos that are available at Getting Started with Redux
  2. How to use React with Firebase and Redux by Creative Tim
  3. ReactJS and Redux Tutorial with real-life examples by Creative Tim

List of other useful React courses

Free Courses

Paid Courses

  • Egghead.io — Short instructional videos on React and many other topics.
  • Frontend Masters — Video courses on React and other frontend frameworks.
  • Fullstack React — The up-to-date, in-depth, complete guide to React and friends.
  • Pure React — A step-by-step guide to mastering React.
  • React for Beginners — Learn React in just a couple of afternoons.
  • React Training: Advanced React.js — Take your React skills to the next level.
  • Tyler McGinnis — Tyler McGinnis provides access to his courses for a monthly fee. Courses include “React Fundamentals” and “Universal React.”